The Walk Series: Introduction (July 12, 2015)

Ghavinn Crutcher

19 Posts Published


August 1, 2015


The Walk
Series on the Book of James
July 12, 2015

This week we are going to be starting a new series that I have been working on for a while and just finished, a series that will be a true journey. The series will be called “The Walk”, and it is going to be a complete walk through the book of James, which in turn will be a walk through life. This series will not be a sprint; for we will be in it for 3.5 months. We will cover every chapter and every verse, so if you are interested you should join us, this will be the breakdown of each week:

The Walk
1) Pain – (James 1:1-8)
2) Simplicity (James 1:9-12)
3) Temptation (James1:13-18)
4) Anger (James 1:19-21)
5) Reflection (James 1:21-25)
6) Rejection (James 1:27-2:13)
7) Action (James 2:14-26)
8) Words (James 3:1-12)
9) Wisdom (James 3:13-18)
10) Worldliness (James 4:1-6)
11) Repentance (James 4:7-12)
12) Dependence (James 4:13-17)
13) Justice (James 5:1-12)
14) Integrity (James 5:13-20)

Hope you can join us and check out for more details on time of worship and directions and other events going on at the Elk Grove Church of Christ!