Series on Change: Acceptance of Change (June 28, 2015)

Ghavinn Crutcher

19 Posts Published


June 30, 2015


We are going to pick back up our series on Change this Sunday, focusing on the idea of how we as individuals can either promote growth through the acceptance of change or stifle growth by putting all our energy toward the resistance of change. Throughout the New Testament Pharisees and teachers of the law did everything they could to block the change that Jesus was teaching. Despite all their efforts, even in putting Christ on the cross thinking it would prohibit people following the change, the very change they tried to stop happened anyway. The question for us is, are we trying to put all of our energy in putting a halt to the change Christ in putting in our hearts, or are we embracing the change and putting our energy into building the future? Join us as we delve into this thought.