Thanks for considering an online donation to Elk Grove Church of Christ. We have selected PayPal as our means for accepting online donations based on their security and safety. You do NOT need to have a PayPal account to use this service for donating to the church.
IMPORTANT: Unless you use the “Add special instructions to the seller” link on the PayPal site to specify a designated gift (example: Missions Ministry), your donation will be used for the church’s General Fund.
If this is your first donation, read through the following three steps to understand how the process works. If not, just go ahead and click on the “Donate” button below to get started.
1. | Click the DONATE button below. |
2. | If you have a PayPal account, you will be asked to log into PayPal. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just enter your payment information on a web page protected by PayPal and submit that information. |
3. | After submitting your payment information, review and click the button to confirm your donation on PayPal’s website. Only when you confirm your donation is your donation actually made. |
Thank you very much and if you would like to make a contribution online please click the DONATE button to begin the very simple process! God Bless!