Living with Purpose: It’s Not about You (February 15, 2015)

Ghavinn Crutcher

19 Posts Published


February 10, 2015


In our new series, “Living with Purpose” we are going to start with a very vital point of origin for finding our purpose and that is this: It’s not about YOU! Even though we are all unique, we have different personalities, different talents, different gifts, we all will find our selves looking towards the same direction for finding the purpose for having them.

Colossians 1:16 (MSG) puts it like this, “For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him.”

When we follow the thinking of this world and think that our purpose here is solely based on our own feelings, our own desires, and our own needs and wants, we will always be searching for more. Our purpose is so much greater than that.  It’s even greater than our families, our careers, our dreams and our ambitions.  If we truly want to find our purpose here we have to begin with God. Lets ponder this statement as we get ready for Sunday’s lesson: You were born BY His purpose and FOR His purpose! This purpose for living starts with understanding It’s NOT about YOU, but God made You to play a vital role in it.