Lead Me To The Cross: Heaven to Earth
Ghavinn Crutcher
We are in the season where the world is getting prepared for Easter, and a time for Christians to reflect on the death, burial and resurrection of our savior Jesus Christ. This week we are beginning a new series entitled “Lead Me To The Cross” the journey of revisiting the ultimate sacrifice of our savior for the redemption of our sins. We start this series trying to understand why Jesus would come from Heaven to Earth. It is imperative for us to understand how important it was that Jesus would descend from heaven to become one of us to understand our hurts, our pains, our temptations, and remain sinless, becoming the ultimate and perfect sacrifice bringing atonement of our sins. There is no greater love ever shown than this, that God would send His one and only son so that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life, and that even while we were still sinners Christ died for us. I don’t want you to think that there are more important times than others to join us at Elk Grove Church of Christ, but this series leading us to Easter is a series of messages that we all need to hear. This is a perfect time to invite those you love, those that may not have heard of or experienced this type of love and forgiveness. Let us share this great message, join us Sunday at 10am.